Thursday, August 13, 2009

Five Reasons Why Black People Aren't Taken Seriously

Reason Number 5.
We're known to be "naturally entertaining". That's an m'effin issue in itself! Because of the media endorsing rappers like Soulja Boy, Black people all over the world are known not necessarily for our acheivements, but because we make catchy songs with dances to match. Lovely. We need to start making sure more positive portrayals of Blacks are being showcased in the media. I say, less B.E.T. rappers and video vixxens, and more Obama!

Reason Number 4.
We can't agree on what we want to be. We can't come together and decided if we want to be more like our white counterparts or simply maintain a tasteful culture that can be more socially accepted. What do i mean by that? Example: the new Disney Princess is not much like the others except for the fact that is was made in 2-D. Our Disney princess has a very distinct "Black voice". This presents a problem for me because Mulan and Jasmine sound very mainstream. If we're going to get a traditional Disney princess, she should sound like the other ones. Why couldn't she at least have a happy-medium voice like Regina King or something? That's my stance, but on the other side, if she didn't have this "Black voice", people would complain that she's too White-washed. Let's get it together people! What do we really want?

Reason Number 3.
... going along with number four, We can't stick together worth a damn nickel! With all of the dark skin vs light skin nonsense and African American vs "real Africans" debate, how can other races take us seriously? Let's not forget how Black people segregate themselves between who's :down: and who's :not:. LOL stop making fun of Carlton Banks! Accept that there are many styles of "Blackness". Being "hood" isn't the same as bein Black.

Reason Number 2.
We easily forget who came before us. What about DuBois, Frederick Douglass, MLK, Malcolm X? Would they be happy with where we are as a people? Or on a MUCH smaller scale, what about J.J. Fad, Ready for the World, and Kurtis Blow? Where are these pioneers now? You don't see the Caucasians forgetting about Led Zeppelin or Guns N Roses do you? Let's take the time to look back and do better.

Reason Number 1.
... in the tradition of number five: Hurricane Chris. Period.

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